
Key Cyber Risks Faced By Small Businesses

Your business may be small – but it is already ‘digital’. Even the basics – like a website, using email, using social media, a few cloud applications – all via your phone or laptop means you are digital.

Along with the tremendous benefits of being Digital, you are also exposed to a host of Risks.

Working with Small Businesses for over a decade, we at Arrka keep seeing each of our clients being routinely exposed to:

  • Data Leakage/Data Loss
  • Data Tampering
  • Non-Availability of data where and when it is needed
  • Frauds & Scams
  • Risks via Vendors & 3rd parties
  • Personal Data in their Custody being used for purposes it is not supposed to be used for
  • Transfer / Disclosure of Personal Data to other parties without the requisite permissions/consent in place
  • Data getting sent across geographical boundaries when it is disallowed
  • Failure to comply with laws & regulations in this domain

The question that naturally follows is:

HOW does a small business overcome these risks – given the tight budgets and lack of access to experts?

That is where the automation-led Virtual CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) & Virtual DPO (Data Privacy Officer) offering from Arrka comes in.

We understand the challenges and constraints of Small Businesses. We understand that the solutions designed for the large enterprises simply do not work for Small Businesses. We understand that there is a HUGE scarcity of experts. We understand that Small Businesses operate on extremely tight budgets.

Which is why we have a unique offering. We handle your Security & Privacy risks end-to-end, leveraging our powerful Arrka Platform. The Arrka platform automates all the key ingredients of what a small business requires. And our consulting team leverages the platform to handhold you through a seamless experience.

Net result – you focus on your business while we handle the Security & Privacy challenges of your business for you.

For more details, contact us or write to us at sales@arrka.com