Do you have the onerous task of conducting Privacy & Security Audits?

Whether you are an Internal Auditor or an External one – conducting and managing audits can be challenging. The Arrka platform has specialized modules to make your task easier.

Maximize audit efficiency with Arrka

Privacy & Security compliance programs are critical to an organization. Hence auditing them is crucial.

However, this is easier said than done. Auditors often do not have access to the right trained and skilled resources. Much time is spent on management & coordination rather than the actual audit. On the other hand, Auditees are often swamped with their workload and constraints. Hence finding the time and resources to support an audit can be challenging.

Here is where our solutions help. Equipped with out-of-the-box audit questionnaires and checklists, supporting workflows and easy management of evidences, the Arrka platform helps both the auditors and the auditees conduct efficient and effective audits in the minimum possible time, expending minimal resources.

Facilitating Hassle-free Audits

Out-of-the-box Checklists

Pre-designed, ready-to-use checklists for specific laws, standards and frameworks enable auditors to get started quickly.

Management of Evidences

Ease of uploading evidences by auditees as well as auditors, accessing relevant and organized program data, and managing evidences – all enable smooth conduct of an audit.

Contracts’ Management

All client and vendor contracts being centrally tracked and managed for Privacy and Security support an audit further.

KPIs, Metrics & Dashboards

Preset and/or customizable KPIs & Metrics with dashboards for reports & MIS help auditors get the requisite insights into the program.

FAQs on Compliance for Auditors/Internal Auditors

How can Arrka’s Platform help a Data Privacy/Security Auditor – Internal or External?
  • Efficiency: Quite a bit of an auditor’s time and effort is spent in gathering data and evidences, chasing and following up with stakeholders and just managing the entire process. The Arrka platform helps take care of all of this – thus freeing up an auditor’s valuable time to focus on the main task at hand – which is to actually audit
  • Out-of-the-Box intelligence: Data Privacy and Security laws/regulations/standards are changing and evolving. This means an auditor has to not only continually keep track and update their own knowledge but also update their approach, questions, checklists and documentation. By making the latter available out-of-the-box on the Arrka platform, we equip the auditor to focus on upgrading her own knowhow while the downstream routine, onerous work is taken care of by us
  • Hassle-reduction: Collating data, gathering evidences and documenting a host of points can be quite bothersome and hassling for an auditor. With features and functionalities like workflows, online updation and management of evidences, automated alerts and task allocations, data correlation, etc, a lot of these hassles get eliminated. This leaves the auditor ample time to focus on the audit rather than running around.
What is special about Arrka’s Solution for Auditors?
  • Over the years of working with organizations of various sizes across sectors, one common thread we observed was the challenge and hassle around Data Privacy and Security Audits – both for auditors as well as the auditees.
  • Auditors are required to cover vast scope with limited access to skilled people and scarce resources. On the other hand, auditees had to cater to the demands of auditors in the midst of crazy pressures and schedules of their core responsibilities. This results in unnecessary angst and hassles – a lot of which is avoidable.
  • So we at Arrka set about trying to make life easier for both parties – without treading on any toes or compromising the sanctity of the audit process in any way.
  • The result is the Audit/Internal Audit Module on the Arrka platform. Specially designed for Auditors + Auditees, in the specific context of Data Privacy and Infosec, with all the requisite intelligence built in and modules that address all parts of the audit process.
What do you mean by having ‘out-of-the-box’ audit checklists?
  • The Arrka platform has predesigned / pre-prepared audit checklists for various Data Privacy and Security requirements. These are available out of the box so auditors don’t have to start from scratch
  • These can be customized further by individual auditors to suit their requirements
Can the platform be used across multiple auditees?
  • Yes, the platform can be used by one auditor across multiple auditee entities. It enables the auditor to run multiple audits simultaneously without hassles.
If we use the Arrka solution, will we need to deploy anything on our servers?
  • Nothing is required to be installed or deployed on your servers
If we need to reach out and talk to a Privacy/ Security expert at any point in time, can Arrka help with that?
  • Yes, Arrka has a pool of Experts who can step in to help you with any queries you have or any assistance you may need.

Complying with multiple laws and standards can be daunting

We understand that your business is complex, probably spread across any countries, each with its own specific privacy and security laws and regulations. With Arrka, you can do it all.